Park edge streets, adjacent to the City’s parks and waterfront, present opportunities for significant recreational uses, landscaping, and ecological functioning

Streets that border major parks or the waterfront have one set of conditions on one side of the street and a distinctly different set of conditions on the other. Park edge streets often have fewer spatial constraints on the park edge side but unique demands of high pedestrian volumes or special activities associated with them. These streets should have a generous park edge with landscaping, lighting, furnishings, and multi-use trails.


The Embarcadero as an example of a park edge streetThe Embarcadero Typical Park Edge Street SectionTypical Park Edge Street Section



  • High volume and speed of through traffic
  • Desire for generous pedestrian environment and public realm
  • Opportunity to provide recreational amenities
  • Opportunity to provide ecological functioning
  • Few access points and driveways
  • Different conditions on opposite sides of the street
  • Opportunity to connect/be part of regional trails such as the Bay Trail

Additional Guidelines

  • Park edge streets should include recreational spaces such as jogging paths in existing green spaces.
  • For specific stormwater control measures, see Stormwater Overview.


Standard Improvements

Click for more details about each standard improvement


Case by Case Additions

Click for more details about each case by case addition. Numbers correspond with typical plan below.

Perpendicular or Angled Parking9. Perpendicular or Angled Parking
Multi-Use Path12. Multi-Use Path


Typical Park Edge Street PlanTypical Park Edge Street Plan (See above for Case by Case Additions)